Norsko očima studentů VŠE

Na této stránce se můžete seznámit se studenty VŠE studujícími v LS akademického 2019/2020 v Norsku v rámci projektu financovaného z fondů EHP 2014-2021.
Prostřednictvím fondů EHP 2014-2021 přispívají Island, Lichtenštejnsko a Norsko ke snižování ekonomických a sociálních rozdílů v Evropském hospodářském prostoru a k posilování spolupráce s 15 evropskými státy.
Více informací k projektu naleznete na stránkách zde.
Markéta Pincová (FMV), BI Norwegian Business School
Hello everyone! My name is Markéta Pincová and I’m a second year bachelor student at Faculty of International Relations. I’m currently on an exchange in Oslo, Norway, at BI Norwegian Business School. I love Scandinavian countries but I’ve never visited them so when I got an offer from International Office to spend a semester in Norway, I didn’t hesitate. I can’t wait for the adventures that are about to come!
IG: @marketpincova
Veronika Zárubová (FPH), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
I am a nature lover, big dreamer and a happy girl from Prague. Came to Norway to discover more about the world and myself.
IG: @veroniezet
BLOG Srdcařka
Martin Husák (FFU), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Student of Finance and business valuation at the faculty of Finance and Accounting, keen on getting new experience. Bergen in Norway was a definite choice since the pure affection of hiking, colder weather and traveling around northern countries.
IG: @marty_husak
YT: Martin Husák
Anna Gluško (FMV), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
International Business student passionate about traveling, currently discovering amazing Norwegian nature and culture.
IG: @anaglushko
Ondřej Koutník (FPH), BI Norwegian Business School
Hi, my name is Ondra (Ondřej). Going on Exchange was my dream for a very long time. When I saw there is an opportunity to study in Norway with the help of the EEA Funds I knew, that’s what I wanted – beautiful diverse nature with kind and honest people, and to be highlighted very high level of education!!!
IG: @ondoro.doutnik
Gabriela Horáková (FFU), Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
Enthusiastic student of finance and accounting who is excited for the opportunity to study at NHH in beautiful Bergen. Visiting and studying in Norway was always my dream – I just love its culture, natural heritage and even the changeable weather.
IG: @gabi_horakova
Jindřich Chmátal (FMJH), University of Agder
Passionate Student at VŠE since 2016 with interests ranging exact science to all possibles theories. I belive that success comes from trust and respect between me and those other human…beings… or something like that. PS: Socks in sandals
IG: @jindra97
Nataliya Kachur (FPH), BI Norwegian Business School
My name is Nataliya Kachur, I am 22 y.o, I am studying Business Administration and I’ve exchanged my life! Studies in Oslo mean not only high-ranked university, but an amazing diverse community, where you can share your experience, discover new cultures & lifestyles and expand your outlook!
IG: @natalie_kachur
Zkušenosti studentů
Informace a dojmy ze studia v Norsku, včetně užitečných tipů spojených s pobytem v této severské zemi, naleznete také na stránkách studentů, na Instagramu OZS VŠE:

Studentka Nataliya Kachur (BI) přibližuje norskou kulturu prostřednictvím interview se svými spolužáky z BI Norwegian Business School, ve kterém uvádí na pravou míru stereotypy o Norech a sdílí také užitečné tipy pro cizince žijící v Norsku.
Dne 3. 6. 2020 si studenti pro své spolužáky a potenciální zájemce o studium v Norsku připravili i online informační schůzku, jejíž záznam je k dispozici v MS Stream.