It is high time for #3 post in our 🌏💫 Erasmus+ and Beyond: How VSE Students Explore the World series!👇
🎓 Anna Duchková (FFA, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)
💬 I spent the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024 in Vienna 🇦🇹 where I studied at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien as part of the CEEPUS scholarship programme. I can only recommend both the city and the university with a clear conscience to anyone considering a trip to Vienna and WU. 🫶
💬 The curriculum was quite different from that of VSE, as the individual subjects were not evenly spread out over the entire semester, but were taught in blocks, and so I was always mostly focused on just one or two subjects at a certain time of the semester. 🧠 There was also a strong emphasis on group work and on solving various case studies. 📚
💬 Of course, my stay was not only about studying, during those four months I made a lot of new friends, both among WU students and other exchange students. 🫂 At the same time, I took advantage of the cultural offer of Vienna and often went to the theatre or to a concert. 🎭
💬 I came back with new knowledge, memories and friends for life, and I say to anyone who is even a little hesitant about going somewhere as part of their studies, don’t hesitate to go! ➡️🌎
ℹ️ We have selected 5️⃣ inspiring stories that showcase different ways to spend part of your studies abroad. This is story #3. 😉 In case you want to catch up on other student stories, check our highlights!
#VSEStudyAbroad #ExchangeProgram #GlobalCitizens #exchangeyourlife #ErasmusAndBeyond #explore #world #ceepus #europe #scholarship #vienna #wu #wirtschaftsuniversitatwien
2 týdny ago