UP International Week 2021 Postgraduate, Lima, Peru

Do schránky OZS přišla informace z naší partnerské školy v Peru o připravovaném UP International Week. POZOR – vyučovací jazyk je španělština! Upozorňujeme, že se nejedná o nabídku online výuky v rámci programu Erasmus+, takže si zájemci musí vše vyřídit sami přímo se zahraniční školou. 


The International Relations Office and the School of Public Management of Universidad del Pacífico will organize the UP International Week for our master students‘ from Public Management from July, 19-25, 2021.


We are looking for candidates willing to teach an online seminar of sixteen (16) hours in Spanish related to the following fields:

– Public Policies: Economic Recovery

– Open Government and E-Government

– Social System and Social Prevention: Health Improvement

– Innovation in Public Management


Please note that synchronous online classes are expected to take place at a local time in Lima, Peru.


Language of instruction: Spanish

Deadline: Applications can be submitted until February 24

More details here.


For more information:


Universidad del Pacífico

Jirón Sánchez Cerro 2141, oficina E-422- Lima 11, Perú

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UPInternationalOffice/

  1. 511-219-0100