Exchange Week for Erasmus+ visiting professors at Iscte Business School, Lisbon, Portugal – March 2023

ISCTE Business School, Lisbon, is glad to announce the 9th edition of Exchange Week for Erasmus+ visiting professors, which will take place between the 27th and 31st of March of 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal.

Due to the high number of applications by visiting professors under the Erasmus framework that ISCTE Business School has received during the past years, we decided to concentrate the visits during a specifically designed Exchange Week. The main goal is to potentiate exchange, knowledge transfer and international research opportunities.

Programme includes:

  • round tables with IBS researchers to present ongoing research ideas and explore possible joint projects,
  • lectures/seminars for students,
  • networking activities,
  • optional sightseeing in the Lisbon area


The application deadline is the 5th of December 2022.


More information about the forthcoming edition in the enclosed flyer.



V případě zájmu se obracejte přímo na zahraniční instituci. Jestliže zahraniční univerzita vaši nabídku výuky vyhodnotí kladně, kontaktuje OZS ( pro potvrzení možnosti financování výukového pobytu z programu Erasmus+.

Za jakých podmínek je možné realizovat výukový pobyt, naleznete zde.