Portugalsko: University of Porto_Teaching visits to FEP

University of Porto, School of Economics and Management (FEP) informovala partnerské školy o svém zájmu přijmout zahraniční vyučující na výukové mobility v rámci programu Erasmus+. Případní zájemci, nechť se obracejí přímo na zahraniční školu. Pokud jejich nabídka bude na University of Porto vyhodnocena kladně, obraťte se na OZS radka.vavakova@vse.cz pro potvrzení možnosti financování mobility z programu Erasmus+.


Greetings from the University of Porto, School of Economics and Management (FEP)!

After almost 2 years of very few contact with our partners face-to-face, we are reconnecting in order to express our strong support to having teaching exchanges with our partner schools as a way to promote tighter collaboration between HEIs on future research, improvement of teaching methods and other synergies with our partner schools.

Additionally, visiting faculty may be given a chance to present your most recent research to researchers and PhD students in seminars that are regularly promoted by our Research Center on Economics and Finance (CEF.UP).

Once the proposal arrives, our regular procedure is to contact a teacher on the same field of expertise to analyze if we can prepare a teaching programme or seminars. In order to help us contact the right teacher/ contact person internally, you can check the list of courses that are offered in English at FEP (in annex), the majority selected out of our 5 masters fully delivered in English: Master in Management, Master in Finance, Master in Economics, Master in Economics of Business and Strategy and the Master in Data Analytics. The programmes in Portuguese also accept visiting teachers, so please consider this list in annex as a support document (for a full list of our master programmes see https://programmes.fep.up.pt/masters/).

With a view to better organize the mobility under the ERAMSUS + framework, we kindly ask you to please inform in the proposal

(1) which subject you find your skills and research work could be more appropriate

(2) send us your short CV and finally

(3) the period of time you wish to visit us.

Our academic calendar is here.


Ana Paula Ribeiro

(Local E+ Coordinator at FEP)

Email: international@fep.up.pt

Tel. +351 225 571 100; +351 220 426 000
