Lotyšsko: Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences IW 2023, Valmiera
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) informovala o pořádání „International Week 2023“. Případní zájemci o výukovou mobilitu, nechť se obrací přímo na školu v zahraničí. V případě přijetí je potřeba si ověřit možnost financování z programu Erasmus+ na OZS (radka.vavakova [at] vse.cz). Požadavek na E+ výukovou mobilitu je odučit 8 hodin.
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) is pleased to invite representatives, both academic and administrative, from your University to attend our International Week 2023 „Future University. Connecting Regions“. ViA International Week 2023 will be held in person at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Valmiera, Latvia, on May 15-20, 2023.
Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is part of the European University E³UDRES² and is providing knowledge and experience about future challenges and opportunities for higher education institutions. The idea of Future University. Connecting regions is to bring together higher education institutions and their regions across Europe and outside Europe.
All academic staff representatives are invited to give lectures, lead workshops and participate in discussions of one of our daily themes.
Participants are welcome to specify their fields of expertise regarding proposed activities in the application form HERE, by scanning the QR code in the attached file or by clicking on „APPLY HERE“ . We can host maximum of two participants per institution. For more details see the Preliminary Program of the International Week.
Please fill in the application form by March 20, 2023. The results will be announced by March 25, 2023.