Litva: Virtual International Teaching Week / SMK University of Applied Social Sciences

SMK University of Applied Social Sciences v Litvě pořádá v termínu od 12/4 do 16/4/2021 virtuální International Teaching Week.
V případě zájmu se obracejte přímo na zahraniční instituci. Bude-li nabídka výuky vyhodnocena kladně, kontaktuje OZS (, aby bylo možné domluvit další postup.
Dle pravidel programu Erasmus+ je v rámci virtuální mobility požadováno odučit 8 výukových hodin. Tyto mobility VŠE podpoří finanční odměnou ve výši 5.000 Kč.


Dear Partners & Colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to the VIRTUAL INTERNATIONAL TEACHING WEEK at SMK University of Applied Social Sciences which will take place from 12 to 16 of April, 2021. This will be a great opportunity for our non-mobile students to experience internationalization at home, to enhance cooperation between the partner universities and to exchange virtual teaching experience during the pandemic.

Lecturers of the following study fields are invited to submit their proposals of titles and content for the lectures:

  • Business;
  • Management;
  • Marketing;
  • Finance and Accounting;
  • Tourism and Recreation;
  • Communication;
  • Law;
  • Programing and IT;
  • Cosmetology.

In order to apply, please fill in the application form in the following LINK. We recommend to be exact with the offered topics, since your lectures will be held within the regular courses offered by the SMK.

For the online classes we are usually using google meets, however zoom and other virtual tools can be used (to be agreed in advance with the host lecturer).

There is no participation fee. Please note that the Erasmus+ programme requires visiting lecturers from partner universities to give at least 8 hours of lectures or classes within the regular courses offered by the host university.

The application deadline is Friday, 2 April, 2021.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact International Exchange Coordinator Kornelija Gulbinskaite at

We look forward to having you in our Virtual International Teaching Week!