Chorvatsko: IW and Conference University of Rijeka, Opatija

University of Rijeka/Institute for Management of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management oznámila termín konání „International week at the Institute for Management 2023“, v rámci kterého se bude konat také „7th International Scientific Conference ToSEE 2023 – Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe“. Zájemci o výukovou mobilitu (a konferenci), ať se obrací přímo na školu v zahraničí. V případě přijetí je potřeba si ověřit možnost financování z programu Erasmus+ na OZS (radka.vavakova [at]
Požadavek na E+ výukovou mobilitu je odučit 8 hodin. Náklady spojené s účastí na konferenci není možné hradit ze zdrojů Erasmus+.


Institute for Management of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Rijeka would like to cordially invite you to the “International week at the Institute for Management 2023 which will take place at University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management in Opatija, Croatia, between 22–26 May, 2023.

The purpose of the international week is to enhance and intensify the international collaboration with other institutions. The international week program comprises different lectures, presentation and meetings on the topics of management, organization and entrepreneurship. The international week is open to academic and non-academic staff.

During the international week we invite you to participate in the 7th International Scientific Conference ToSEE 2023 – Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe, which will be held at the Faculty from 25 to 27 May, 2023. ToSEE 2023 is a multidisciplinary conference with a long tradition of bringing together academics, policymakers, and tourism stakeholders to identify innovative solutions for sustainable tourism development. Variety of aspects will be discussed at the conference through empowerment and engagement concepts implemented in a sustainable tourism context. We invite scientists and researchers to share their latest research, results, and ideas with us, fellow researchers, and other tourist destination stakeholders. The deadline for abstract submission is 5 February 2023. For more information, visit the conference Website:

There is no participation fee for the International week.  The participants should cover their travel and accommodation cost through Erasmus + mobility programme (Staff Mobility for Training or for Teaching) or any other mobility program.
In order to participate in the International week we kindly ask you to fill out the Application form and together with a CV send it to no later than 15 April 2023 .

The number of participants is limited to 25 people and the priority will be given to the staff participating at the ToSEE 2023 conference. For the participants of the International week at the Institute for Management 2023, a special registration fee for ToSEE 2023 is available:


(for International week participants)

Conference Participation Early

(before April 15, 2023)


(after April 15, 2023 until May 20, 2023)

Conf. participation through mobility (with conference paper) 200 230
Conf. participation through mobility (without conference paper) 150 175


We look forward to welcoming you here in Opatija!