Barrande Fellowship Programme 2022
The French Institute in Prague and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MSMT) are happy to announce the launch of the Barrande Fellowship Programme for 2022, the exchange mobility programme for Ph.D. students between the Czech Republic and France.
The programme offers scholarships to support “cotutelles” and short-term research stays. Students have to be registered either at a Czech University (for mobilities to France) or at a French University (for mobilities to the Czech Republic).
All scientific fields are welcome, and in particular applications in the fields of environmental sciences, energy, mathematics and information technologies.
The application deadline is February 4th, 2022.
How to apply
All information on the programme and the application process can be found in the application guidelines (for a co-tutelle project and for a short research stay) accessible on the following website:
Presentation Events
Two presentation events, jointly hosted by the French Embassy in the Czech Republic and by the DZS, will take place online via Zoom on:
- 2021, Dec. 9th from 11:00am to 12:00pm, for students and academics from the Czech Republic
- 2021, Dec. 9th from 4:30pm to 5:30pm, for students and academics from France
Registration will be open until December 8th, 12:00pm and is mandatory on: