Virtual Teaching Mobility Offer_SMK University of Applied Social Sciences (Lithuania)

Vážení vyučující,

níže naleznete nabídku partnerské školy „SMK University of Applied Social Sciences“ v Litvě na virtuální výukové mobility v rámci programu Erasmus+.

Své nabídky zasílejte přímo zahraniční škole v kopii koordinátorce oddělení zahraničních styků:


Dear Colleagues,

Despite the current circumstances we proceed with the study process and are ready to organize teaching mobilities. Since physical mobility is not possible,  we would like to invite you to cooperate on virtual teaching mobilities.


We are ready to accept lecturers from our partner institutions on virtual teaching mobilities in the fields of Business and Administration (Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Business Management, Tourism and Recreation), Communication, Programming and IT, Media Arts, Law, Health Sciences (Cosmetology).

Everyone interested can contact me directly by sending their introduction and proposed topics to e-mail For more information see the attached file.


We are encouraging our lecturers to take part in virtual teaching mobilities as well. We selected the group of enthusiastic specialists, who would be happy to share their knowledge and expertise with your students.

Please see the list of our lecturers and their proposed topics in the attached file. If you would like to invite someone to give lectures to your students or need additional information – please contact me by e-mail

I hope we will be able to continue our internationalisation activities even in these times and during the quarantine!

Please feel free to share the information with your colleagues or faculty staff and stay safe!


Pagarbiai | Sincerely,

Kornelija Gulbinskaitė
Tarptautinių studijų programų vadovė | Head of International Study Programmes

Institucinė Erasmus+ koordinatorė | Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator
Socialinių mokslų kolegija Vilniaus filialas | SMK University of Applied Social Sciences

Kalvarijų g. 137E, Vilnius (102 kab.)
Tel. +37060178492 | el. paštas: