SMK University of Applied Social Sciences (Lithuania): International Staff Week

Vážení vyučující,

níže zveřejňujeme nabídku na International Staff Week na SMK University of Applied Social Sciences ve Vilniusu (v termínu 21/9 – 24/9/2020), na který se mohou hlásit i zájemci o výuku. Pokud by se jednalo o kombinovanou mobilitu tj. „Training“ & „Teaching“, tak v takovém případě 4 výukové hodiny je minimální požadavek na počet odučených hodin. Informace k výukovým mobilitám Erasmus+ (financování, administrace) jsou k dispozici:

Zájemci posílejte své přihlášky přímo zahraniční instituci do 16/8/2020. S kladnou odpovědí se obraťte na koordinátorku na OZS:



Dear Colleagues,

Despite all challenges we faced this Spring, we hope that Autumn semester will be held in a usual manner at SMK University of Applied Social Sciences.

Thus, it is our pleasure to invite you to the international staff week at SMK University of Applied Social Sciences which will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania from Monday, 21 September 2020 to Thursday, 24 September, 2020.

This event aims to bring together staff from SMK and both – current and prospective – partner institutions in order to strengthen international networks, exchange ideas and learn together.

During the staff week participants will not only get familiar with SMK and its staff, but also will be able to strengthen communication, networking and storytelling skills, which are essential, no matter in what department staff members work.

Additionally participants will visit Lithuanian capital city Vilnius, which old town is included in UNESCO World Heritage list, and historic capital city and lake resort – Trakai. We will finish the week with the final SMK 25th anniversary event.

Participation fee is 100 euros per person. Fee includes the training programme, lunches and cultural programme. Accommodation is not included and must be covered by the participants. Participants are expected to obtain Erasmus+ Staff Mobility grants from their home institutions.

Staff member’s from various departments are invited to take part in the staff training exchange. The programme will be conducted in English.

Please complete the registration form until 16th of August. Accepted candidates will be informed by a separate e-mail.

In case you are interested to participate under the teaching exchange, please send the proposed topics and your CV in addition to the registration form.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact International Exchange Coordinator Kornelija Gulbinskaite at

Please share this information within your institution.

We look forward to meeting you in Vilnius!


Pagarbiai | Sincerely,

Kornelija Gulbinskaitė

Tarptautinių studijų programų vadovė | Head of International Study Programmes

Institucinė Erasmus+ koordinatorė | Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator

Socialinių mokslų kolegija Vilniaus filialas | SMK University of Applied Social Sciences

Kalvarijų g. 137E, Vilnius (102 kab.)

Tel. +37060178492 | el. paštas: