Teaching staff opportunities at MCI, Austria, Academic Year 2020/21
Do schránky OZS přišla nabídka z MCI / The Entrepreneurial School pro vyučující VŠE. Zájemce prosíme kontaktovat přímo MCI.
Greetings from MCI, Austria!
We are happy to provide you with a list of courses available for Teaching Mobilities for the next academic year (Fall 2020/Spring 2021) in some of our departments.
To apply please complete this course proposal form and send it with your CV to me at daniel.dassisi@mci.edu.
The deadline for receiving proposals and CVs is Sunday, 15 March 2020.
MCI will pay direct travel and subsistence expenses in line with University policies / rates.
We would be grateful, if you could circulate this invitation to your colleagues, and we hope to see you in Innsbruck.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Best regards,
MMag. Daniel D’Assisi
Exchange Coordinator
International Relations
Universitaetsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: +43 512 2070 -1628, Fax: -1099
mailto:daniel.dassisi@mci.edu, www.mci.edu