Transfer of credits

In accordance with the Study and Examination Rules of VSE, students are obliged to apply for a transfer of credits into their study plan at VSE. Students must apply for a transfer of credits by the end of the semester following the semester spent abroad. Study abroad mediated by VSE must be recognized in full, i.e. all courses completed successfully will be recognized and for all courses failed, the corresponding number of credits will be subtracted from registration coupons.

How to apply for transfer of credits

  • After the Learning Agreement “Changes”, Confirmation of Study Period (applicable only to Erasmus+), the verified* Transcript of Records, and the final report in InSIS are marked as completed in your checklist, the relevant part of the application Learning Agreement – Study plan Abroad will be made available for you in InSIS.
  • Fill in the courses from your transcript (including the failed courses) in the app in InSIS (Student’s portal -> My College Abroad -> Learning Agreement – Study plan Abroad) in the table Courses of the individual study plan for abroad  – changes made (include the course code, course name, number of ECTS).
  • Courses to be recognized into your VSE study (as agreed in your LA), should be inserted in the table Courses of the individual study plan at home being completed abroad – once completed, click on Modify and fill in the result (grade), type of group to which the courses will be recognized, the course name and study language. If your subjects are to be recognized in the elective groups, you need to click on “General acceptable courses” in this section.
  • Number of ECTS in both tables („Courses of the individual study plan for abroad” and  „Courses of the individual study plan at home“) should equal.
  • When the application is complete, send it to the Contact Center using the „Apply for Recognition button“ (you can also attach supporting documents – e.g. approval of the course guarantor in case of compulsory courses).

The detailed step-by-step description of the application process for FIR students, including examples, is on the faculty intranet and is also available in the dowload section below. Regarding the groups of courses, students of other faculties should follow the instructions of their Vice-deans, as the groups and their codes differ at each faculty.

*The Transcript of Records has to be sent directly to the International Office by email or be otherwise verifiable.

Groups of courses in the study plan at VSE

Courses studied abroad are usually transferred into a group of elective courses of a major specialization (faculty electives) or a group of optional courses (general electives).

If you want to recognize a course studied abroad into a group of compulsory courses of a major specialization, or any course (compulsory or elective) of a minor specialization, you need to consult your Learning Agreement not only with a Vice-dean, but also with the guarantor of the respective subject at VSE.

For the purpose of transfer of credits into the study plan at VSE, unused registration coupons for the respective groups of courses, eventually spare registration coupons, are used.

Transfer of credits

ECTS credits are usually not converted in any way and are transferred in the same amount as assigned by the partner university, eventually in an amount modified by the Vice-dean (e.g. due to technical reasons, half credits are not possible to enter into the study system, it is therefore necessary to round them off).

If a partner university does not use the ECTS system, credits will be converted according to the rules of the partner university that are usually enclosed to student’s Transcript of Records, or will be converted by a Vice-dean. The recommended credit conversion guide of non-ECTS credits is in the download section below.

Transfer of grades

The decision about transfer of grades is fully in a Vice-dean’s competence.

If a student passes a course at a partner university, VSE does not examine if the student passed the course also according to Study and Examination Rules of VSE (i.e. student does not have to achieve at least 60 % of points as stated in the article 13 of the study rules), or if the exam has been passed on the first attempt.

Bonification of credits when registering after a semester abroad

Beginning September 1st, 2022, all students who have been on a field trip or internship in the past semester will be awarded a credit bonus in automatic enrollment that will remove their enrollment disadvantage if they have not yet had their field trip credits properly recognized.

The maximum amount of the bonus is 30 ECTS. The number of credits that the student has already had recognised or earned in the semester is deducted from this amount. If the student fails to have the courses recognized in time for the registration deadline and does not earn other credits in the semester, the student will receive a 30 ECTS bonus for registration. The student will receive a bonus of 6 ECTS if he/she has 24 ECTS recognized from the trip.

Of course, the bonus only works if the student registers properly for the courses. The bonus only works for the three rounds of automatic enrolment and does not appear in the credit statistics.