Erasmus+ Staff Mobilities – Incoming

Prague University of Economics and Business (VSE) welcomes every year incoming staff for both Erasmus+ teaching and training mobility. You should contact the international office of your higher education institution to find out if these opportunities are available to you as well as how you can apply for a grant.


Staff mobility for Teaching (STA)

  • Minimum length of staff teaching:  2 consecutive working days
  • Maximum length of staff teaching: 2 months

Academic staff can carry out mobility by teaching minimum 8 course hours weekly (or for any shorter stay). The recommended length of teaching mobility at VSE is 5 days.

If you are interested in an Erasmus+ teaching staff mobility you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Make sure your university has signed an Erasmus+ Inter-institutional Agreement with VSE in the area teaching mobility. Contact your international office in order to get more information about the exchange program (required Erasmus+ documents, funding, etc.),
  2. Identify the VSE department with which you would like to arrange the mobility,
  3. Contact the department to find out whether there is a possibility of accepting the mobility or not. It is recommended to send your CV and submit a short information about your areas of interest and course proposal as well as possible dates of our arrival at VSE.


Staff mobility for Training (STT)

  • Minimum length of staff training:  2 consecutive working days
  • Maximum length of staff training: 2 months

The program supports the professional development of employees in the form of a professional course, shadowing the employees at the relevant workplaces or listening to lectures at partner higher education institutions. The recommended length of training mobility is 5 days.

If you are interested in an Erasmus+ staff training mobility you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Contact your international office in order to get more information about the exchange program (required Erasmus+ documents, funding, etc.),
  2. Identify the VSE department/unit with which you would like to arrange the mobility,
  3. Contact the department to find out whether there is a possibility of accepting the mobility or not. It is highly recommended to send a short curriculum and working plan in advance as well as possible dates of arrival at VSE.


Erasmus+ documents for Incoming staff

1. The incoming staff fills in the Mobility Agreement Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training and ensures the signatures of all parties involved. From the side of VŠE the document is signed by the host department,

2. At the end of the mobility, the host department signs the Confirmation of mobility period.


An incoming staff member should inquire with their home institution if internal application deadlines exist or if a procedure of open calls is in place for selection to participate in a staff mobility.

There is no specific deadline set by VSE by when an incoming staff member needs to be nominated.