Application Criteria

Application study results (percentile) 100 points
participation in the Buddy Programme at VSE (during the last finished semester before applying at the latest) 10 points
non-language course studied in foreign language 10 points
Language Knowledge proof of B2 level (according to CEFR) or language knowledge test necessary condition
language certificates (must be valid during the Exchange Programme): IELTS 7.0 or higher/TOEFL 87 or higher/CAE (C1)/CPE 10 points
Total Maximum 130 points

∗ applicable for applications in English language

Study results (max. 100 points)

Weighted Average Grade

= the average score for graded courses completed during the entire study at VSE weighted by number of credits assigned to individual courses

Weighted average grade taken into account:

  • Master students – Bachelor graduates from VSE: weighted average grade includes Bachelor and Master studies at VSE
  • Master students – Bachelor graduates from another institution than VSE: weighted average grade includes Master study at VSE only
  • Current students of two Bachelor/Master fields of study at VSE: weighted average grade includes courses of that field of study within which a student applies for the Exchange Programme
  • Master students – Bachelor graduates of more than one field of study at VSE: weighted average grade includes courses of that field of study which is successfully completed later than the other

Percentile Based on the Weighted Average Grade

 relates to the last finished semester

  • Applicants for Bachelor Exchange Programme: Percentile is calculated within the applicant’s faculty and year of study (i.e. it compares an applicant with all his/her classmates studying at the same faculty within the same year of study) – see InSIS (for detailed description see the document below). Points based on percentile = 100 – percentile (100 minus percentile).
  • Applicants for Master Exchange Programme: Percentile shows a comparison of an applicant with the graduates of a particular faculty of the previous academic year (for more information see the table Study Average Points in section Download).

Language knowledge (no points – necessary condition)

  • Every student needs to prove the B2 level (according to CEFR) of the language in which he/she is applying.
  • Some of the partner universities might have specific requirements concerning exchange students language knowledge (see „Special language requirement“ in the catalogue of exchange destinations) – a copy of the respective language certificate needs to be presented already when submitting online application in InSIS.

Ways to Prove the Level of Language

  • language test – only for students who cannot prove the B2 level of language knowledge: successful (min. 60%) completion of the written language test within the current application period (for the specific date see Application Schedule, applicable only for English – for other languages: exam at the Language Department),
    • The language test might be replaced by the certificates IELTS/TOEFL, regardless of the exam dates.
    • If students cannot prove the B2 level during the application period, they must choose “Language Test” as a proof of language knowledge in the InSIS application. After the end of the application period, they will be automatically registered for the next language test.
  • selected language courses at VSE (will upload automatically into the application form in InSIS),
  • language course at B2 level (or higher) according to CEFR studied within the Exchange Programme mediated by VSE (upload the Transcript of Records and confirmation from the partner university of the level of language according to CEFR – e.g. syllabus, confirmation from the teacher, etc.),
  • successful completion of written language test at B2 level (or proof of examination at corresponding language department) in the application period for Bachelor Exchange Programme since AY 2015/2016 (for Spanish since AY 2017/2018),
  • successful completion of written language test at B2 level in the application period for Master Exchange Programme since AY 2017/2018,
  • completion of the entire university programme in the corresponding foreign language,
  • study of an International Degree Programme at VSE,
  • A-levels:
    • at a bilingual gymnasium / high school in the Czech or Slovak Republic,
    • at a foreign high school in the Czech or Slovak Republic where the language of study is the required language,
    • at a high school abroad where the language of study is the required language,
  • state language exam taken in the Czech or Slovak Republic (basic / general / special),
  • state final exam in philology (in the required language),
  • international language certificates (valid at the beginning of the Exchange Programme),
  • Bachelor or comprehensive foreign language exam taken within Bachelor study at another institution than VSE (a copy of the Diploma Supplement and the Course Syllabus including the level of the language according to CEFR need to be uploaded into the application form in InSIS; the documents do not have to be officially verified).

Language certificates (extra 10 points)

10 points = IELTS 7.0 or higher / TOEFL 87 or higher / CAE (C1) pass / CPE pass (certificates must be valid during the Exchange Programme, IELTS and TOEFL certificates are considered valid for 2 years from the date of the exam).

Cambridge English Exams can be taken at the Department of English with the financial support of all the faculties.

Non-language courses studied in a foreign language (max. 10 points)

10 points = successful completion of 1 or more non-language courses studied in foreign language

  • all courses in foreign language taught by non-language departments of all the faculties at VSE are relevant, including extra-semestral and intensive courses
  • courses might be taught in any foreign language (it does not have to be the language in which the student is applying for an exchange semester abroad)
  • courses are uploaded into the application form in InSIS automatically from student’s study history (Master students might gain the points also for courses studied in their Bachelor study)
  • Bachelor graduates from another institution than VSE: to get 10 points for non-language course studied in foreign language at another institution than VSE, a copy of the Diploma Supplement and the Course Syllabus need to be uploaded into the application form in InSIS (the documents do not have to be officially verified)

Points cannot be obtained for:

  • courses in foreign language studied abroad (within an Exchange Programme / Freemover / Summer school /…),
  • courses in foreign language studied within an active parallel study at another university (in the Czech Republic or abroad),
  • courses transferred into the study plan at VSE.

Participation in the Buddy Programme (max. 10 points)

= help to international students who come to study at VSE (ensured by the student organization ESN VSE Prague)

  • points might be obtained for participation during the last finished semester before the application period at the latest
  • once earned points are valid for the entire period of study at VSE (points obtained during Bachelor study are valid for Bachelor as well as Master Exchange Programme)
  • points are uploaded into the application form in InSIS automatically

If the points for participation in the Buddy Programme or for completion of non-language courses studied in foreign language at VSE are not uploaded automatically into the application form, or if an applicant wants to get points for non-language courses studied in foreign language at another institution than VSE, he/she needs to fill in these missing data in a special form.