Exploring the world with VŠE: a throwback to 2022
Internationalization counts as one of VŠE’s long-standing strengths and belongs to our major priorities. The year 2022 is considered to be very successful in this respect – the number of outgoing and incoming students has increased to its pre-pandemic values, VSE sent abroad even more students last year than during the years 2018 and 2019.
Overall, 1050 students chose to spend a semester abroad at one of our prestigious partner universities, and 142 more decided to do an internship abroad. By and large, 1192 international mobilities were carried out, which is 319 more than in 2021!
Who spends semester abroad the most often?
All VŠE students are welcome to study or intern abroad. In 2022, 530 undergraduates, 639 masters and 23 PhD students made use of this opportunity.
Concerning both internships and exchanges, the most active travellers are students of the Faculty of International Relations, followed by students of the Faculty of Business Administration and the Faculty of Finance and Accounting.
What are the top destinations our students choose?
In total, VŠE students set off to 55 countries in 6 continents with Germany being the number one country of choice followed by, among others, France, Austria, Belgium and the USA. Thanks to a rich network of partner institutions, VŠE allows students to choose from a wide range of overseas destinations as well – Canada, Hong Kong, Thailand, Brazil or Singapore, for instance. Countries such as Australia or Taiwan finally reopened their borders for our exchange students after a 2-year-long suspension of activities due to Covid-19 control measures.
With regard to the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, an unusually large number of students went to Belgium, which made Brussels the number one destination. Neighbouring Germany placed second and the third most popular country of our interns was Spain. Some interns longed for a more exotic experience far away from the mainland Europe. They explored United Arab Emirates, Chile, Vietnam or Colombia.
Top universities in terms of number of outgoing VŠE students
Management Center Innsbruck (MCI), Austria
(34 students)
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Austria
Hochschule Mainz / School of Business, Germany
(18 students)
Universität zu Köln (University of Cologne) / Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Germany
(17 students)
HAN University of Applied Sciences / Arnhem Business School, the Netherlands
(16 students)
Umeå University / Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics, Sweden
Università degli Studi di Firenze / Scuola di Economia e Management, Italy
(13 students)
Simon Fraser University, Canada
EM Lyon Business School, France
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) / School of Management and Law, Switzerland
University of Michigan, USA
(12 students)
In 2022, those who chose to study in Liechtenstein or Iceland were supported by the EEA and Norway Grants within the 2014-2021 programme period. Their experiences and photographs are available on web pages Iceland Through Students’ Eyes and Liechtenstein Through Students’ Eyes.

Bc. Karolína Bouzková (FBA)
“As well as exploring what sometimes seems like another planet, I have also made friends all over the world and gained irreplaceable experiences. Iceland will be due to its roughness and pureness always my love, but wherever you decide to go on Erasmus, I am sure you won’t regret it. Iceland is love. “

Bc. Jiří Gardoň (FIR)
„As for the study, the most beneficial thing was to work in an international environment. To all who are thinking about going on exchange I can simply recommend Liechtenstein. Because the local university offers a variety of options, the atmosphere is family-like, and you will get to know a lot of people from all over the world. “
International Mobilities are not concerning only students
Both academic and non-academic staff of the university are also encouraged to visit our partner institutions within educational mobilities or training courses. Via Erasmus+ programme VŠE sent 106 employees abroad in 2022. They attended training courses or shared their knowledge with foreign students as visiting professors.
Back in Prague, the programme of visiting professors has also been very successful. VŠE students got the opportunity to study in English and to choose from 30 additional courses in the Spring semester (including 10 on-line) and 17 in the Fall semester (2 of which were on-line).
Get inspired!
Experiences, photographs and videos of outgoing students and staff are being continuously shared on our Instagram account vse_studyabroad and Facebook account VSE Study Abroad. We carry on with student takeovers series in order to allow the outgoing students to share their adventures with many tips and tricks for prospective exchange students. All takeovers are saved in International Office Instagram Profile so that it inspires more students to (ex)change their life. That is why both IG and FB VSE Study Abroad profiles are worth following!