
Europe (Erasmus+)

Group Country Scholarship amount/month
1 Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden 660 €
2 Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Kingdom 600 €
3 Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Turkey  540 €



  • 10 000 CZK for each month of stay (the length of the mobility is calculated taking into account every ½ month of the academic calendar of the partner university)
  • plus 10 000 CZK as a one-off grant for air ticket/visa



  • Scholarship amount: 440 CHF/month
  • Scholarship is awarded for 5 months regardless of the actual length of stay/duration of the mobility
  • Supplementary scholarship from VSE = the difference between the total amount of the SEMP scholarship and the amount that students would receive if Switzerland was in the Erasmus+ Programme