General Conditions

Within the frame of the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme period, doctoral students can also use the Erasmus+ grant for short-term mobilities for the purpose of study or internship abroad.

  • Short-term research internships or study stays abroad within the Erasmus+ programme can be completed by full-time as well as part-time doctoral students.
  • Short-term study stays can be carried out at foreign institutions in the Erasmus+ programme countries.
  • The length of the short-term stay can be 10-30 days.
  • The financial support for a stay abroad can be received repeatedly.
Length (days) Scholarship amount Top up amount for students with fewer opportunities
until 14th day of activity 70 €/day 100 €
from 15th to 30th day of activity 50 €/day 150 €

The preferred type of stay abroad is a research internship, even in the case of a stay at a university, especially due to simpler administration – it is not necessary to conclude an interinstitutional agreement with a partner university, the stay takes place on the basis of the agreement of the host institution, for example in the form of an agreement with a specific professor.

Participation in a conference cannot be realized as a stay within the Erasmus+ programme; short-term stays of another type might be financed according to the Catalogue of Supports of the VSE Office for Science and Research.

Students with fewer opportunities, i.e. with a health condition, an economic barrier or with children / dependents, can apply for an increase of the grant.

A doctoral student who has an employment relationship at the Prague University of Economics and Business, can also use the possibilities of training or teaching stays abroad within the Erasmus+ programme.