Guest Professors

The participation of foreign academics (guest professors) at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) is a priority for the school’s leadership. For scholarly departments, guest professors are the foundation for developing cooperation in teaching and scientific research.

Basic Information

Suppose you want to grant an extraordinary bonus to a guest professor from the allocated resources of the Vice-Rector for International Relations. In that case, a request is submitted by a VŠE faculty/department representative to the Vice Rector’s Secretariat at least 2 months before the arrival of the guest professor. The Guest Professor’s Form signed by the faculty Vice-Dean for International Relations can be emailed to

Guest professors can be granted an extraordinary bonus from the Vice-Rector for International Relations’ allocated resources in the form of a contract of employment if all the following rules are respected (valid for the 2024/2025 academic year):

  • The guest professor is an employee of a foreign university. An exception can be granted by the Vice-Rector for International Relations for university lecturers in retirement;
  • The guest professor will teach a course accredited with at least 3 ECTS;
  • The course takes place over at least 3 days;
  • At least 10 students must be registered for the course;
  • The course must be offered in the InSIS registration system;
  • The course is taught in person; the approval of the dean is required for online classes, and the bonus will be reduced;
  • The guest professor is not a Czech citizen;
  • Any guest professor from a non-EU country has a valid visa;
  • The guest professor can only be rewarded for a single course/semester.

VŠE also offers to reimburse accommodation costs for the guest professor at the University Hotel at the Jarov dormitories for one week from the budget allocated to the Vice-Rector for International Relations. Lodging at the University hotel can be provided if the guest professor guarantees to teach a complete accredited course (not individual lectures or seminars). VŠE does not reimburse accommodations outside the University hotel.

The guest professors can use offices in the Rajská budova (RB 526, RB 538, and RB 542) during their entire stay.

The latest information/forms/detailed procedures for guest professors can be found on the Vice-Rector for International Relations’ SharePoint site.

Resources from the Fulbright Commission, FRVŠ, bilateral agreements within the Erasmus+ program, various foundations, etc., can also finance a guest professor’s stay. The guest professor must check the conditions for using these resources at their home university.

If the incoming faculty/department wants to include the guest professor’s course in the offering for foreign exchange students, contact the International Office (

The faculty/department, in cooperation with the Pedagogical Department (or the faculty’s system integrator), will ensure the addition of the course into the InSIS system, including the dates and information about the guest professor (registration and syllabus).

Contact person

The contact person at VŠE is Ing. Jana Pulkrábková (Assistant to the Vice-Rector for International Relations)

Email:, phone number: +420 224 095 799, office: NB 156