COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Last update on 11. 5. 2020 Info from 6. 2. 2020: International Office of VSE is closely monitoring novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV outbreak and is in contact with its international partner universities all around world. Despite the fact that the risk of trasmission is low at the moment, we recommend that all students going on exchange […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Q&A Online Meeting for Outgoing Exchange Students in the AY 2020/2021

Are you going on Exchange in the next academic year? Do you have any questions? We would like to invite you to our Q&A Online Meeting, which will be held tomorrow, on 23 April 2020. The meeting will be in English and will take place in VSE Microsoft Teams from 17:00-18:00. When Where 23 April […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Registration for Buddy Programme Open

Do you like meeting new people from all over the world and getting to know new cultures? Would you like to help new exchange students? Would you like to get 10 extra points for your exchange application? Become a Local Buddy in the Fall semester 2020! Register HERE. Deadline: 10 May 2020 Details about the Buddy […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Results Announcement: Exchange Programme 2020/2021

Today, March 11, 2020, the results of applications for Bachelor and Master Exchange Programme 2020/2021 were published. Congratulations to all successful applicants! Selected students will receive all information via email. (Please check your VŠE email address regularly). Students, to whom no partner university was allocated, might be placed on the waiting list and receive additional […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Summer School 2020 in Norway (EEA)

VSE International Office announces a selection procedure for the Summer School in Norway in 2020. As part of a project funded by the EEA Grants 2014-2020, University of Economics, Prague offers students the opportunity to attend a Summer School at one of three partner universities in Norway: BI International Summer Programme NHH Summer School UiA […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2020/2021

The offer of partner universities for the upcoming applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2020/2021 has been published (for exchange mobility during master and 3rd year of bachelor study). Students can choose among VSE partner schools in Europe and overseas. The offer might be updated until the beginning of the selection procedure on […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

UNL Robitschek Scholarship for 2020/2021

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers to Czech and Slovak students the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study for one year in the United States at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, a member of the Big Ten Conference and one of America’s premier national research universities. The Robitschek Scholarship is awarded to international students of Czech or Slovak origin […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Visegrad Scholarship Program

The Visegrad Scholarship Program is a program supporting Master and post-Master students and researchers in all disciplines. Within the Visegrad Scholarship Program, scholars and researchers who are citizens of the Visegrad countries can apply for a scholarship to study at any accredited university/institute within V4 and in countries of the Eastern Partnership or the Western Balkans. The next deadline for […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Increased Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background and Students with Special Needs

Increased Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background Relevant for students from disadvantaged socio-economic background who provide a document confirming that they are entitled to a child benefit and that the income of the family in the previous year (decisive for the benefit) did not exceed the product of the family subsistence level and […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information

Assistant for International Office wanted!

International Office of the University of Economics, Prague (VSE) is looking for a colleague for the following position: Assistant Requirements Student of a bachelor or a master degree at VSE English language skills at B2 minimum Good command of MS Excel, MS Word, MS Outlook and MS PowerPoint Excellent communication skills Reliability, attention to detail, […]

COVID-19 OUTBREAK: VSE International Office information