Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers to Czech and Slovak students the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study for one year in the United States at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, a member of the Big Ten Conference and one of America’s premier national research universities. The Robitschek Scholarship is awarded to international students of Czech or Slovak origin who […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

VSE International Office’s consulting hours during Christmas holidays

We would like to inform you that from 21. 12. 2020 to 1. 1. 2021 the VSE International Office will be closed. Please contact the International Office via e-mail (, or come to our regular online consulting hours in MS Teams that will take place during the following times over Christmas holidays: When Where Wednesday […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Online Information Meeting for Students Interested in Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2021/2022

Would you like to spend a semester abroad during your study at VSE? We would like to invite you to our Online Information Meeting, which will be held on Friday, 4 December 2020. You will find out when and how to apply and which destinations and partner universities to choose from. The meeting will be held in […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Photo Contest 2020: Winning photographs, online exhibition & student voting

The VSE International Office (OZS) is happy to announce the winning photographs of the Photo Contest 2020. A total of 108 students have participated this year and have submitted 306 photos from their exchange study abroad or internship in AY 2019/20. 90 photographs from 59 participants advanced to the second round. The expert jury with […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Additional Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background and Students with Specific Needs – Spring 2020/21

Additional Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background Relevant for students from disadvantaged socio-economic background who provide a document confirming that they are entitled to a child benefit and that the income of the family in the previous year (decisive for the benefit) did not exceed the product of the family subsistence level and […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Photo Contest 2020

VSE International Office invites all current VŠE students, who spent exchange study period or internship abroad in the AY 2019/20, to participate in the Photo Contest 2020. Apply and upload the photos via this FORM. The contest rules can be downloaded below. Participants have to be logged into the Gmail account to upload a photo. Minimum photo […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Study in Germany Virtual Fair Europe – 16.-17.10.2020

Are you interested in a degree course or a short study stay in Germany? Take the opportunity and visit the Virtual Fair Europe on 16th and 17th October. 15 German universities (e.g. Technische Universität Dresden, Universität Passau, etc.) will introduce themselves and their offers and will be happy to answer your questions. The Deutscher Akademischer […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Spring Semester 2021 Abroad

Preparations for the Spring 2021 Exchanges are under way. Coordinators are nominating students to the partner universities and are providing help with all the necessary administrative steps. Several partner universities had to restrict or cancel their Exchange programmes due to the current worldwide situation and travel restrictions. If possible, free places at European partner universities […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Invitation to the International Social Business Case Competition held by ISM University of Management and Economics (Lithuania)

Dear students, Students’ Association of ISM University of Management and Economics from Lithuania invites you to participate in a social business case competition Creative Shock, where you could win 2000 euros cash prize. Creative Shock attracts youth from all over the world to educate them about the concept of social business, its implementation, and impact. […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022

Results Announcement of Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in Spring Semester 2021

Today, 18. 9. 2020, the results of the additional applications for the Bachelor and Master Exchange Programme Abroad in the Spring semester 2021 were announced. The results are published in InSIS (Student’s portal -> My studies -> My study abroad -> Selection procedure results). Congratulations to all successful applicants! Selected students can find all the important information […]

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2021/2022