VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Do you have any questions regarding the applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad? Ask the VSE International Office! During the application period for the exchange programme abroad – from 14. 2. to 23. 2. 2022 (3pm) – we will come to the atrium of the Rajská building, so come and ask us directly at our stand! We […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Looking Back at Year 2021 – Almost 900 VŠE Students Went Abroad

The year 2021 has already been the second year affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Despite that, a total of 873 VŠE students set off to study abroad or went on an internship abroad. It is approximately 130 more students abroad compared to the previous year! Out of the overall number of 873 outgoing students, 77 […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in AY 2022/2023

The VSE International Office is now finalizing the offer of nearly 900 spots at its partner universities for the upcoming applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2022/2023 for 3rd year Bachelor and Master students. Students can choose among VSE partner schools in Europe and overseas. The offer might be updated until the […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Paul Robitschek Scholarship for studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln in AY 2022/2023

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers to Czech and Slovak students the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study for one year in the United States at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, a member of the Big Ten Conference and one of America’s premier national research universities. The Robitschek Scholarship is awarded to international students of Czech or Slovak origin who […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

VSE International Office’s consulting hours during Christmas holidays

We would like to inform you that from 20. 12. 2021 to 31. 12. 2021 the VSE International Office will be closed. Please contact the International Office via e-mail (ozs@vse.cz), or come to our regular online consulting hours in MS Teams that will take place during the following times over Christmas holidays: When Where Wednesday 22. 12. 2021, 10:00-11:00 […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Winning photo of the Photo Contest 2021 Exhibition

At the Photo Contest 2021 Exhibition, organized by the International Office on 5.– 25.11.2021, were shown VSE students’ photos from their studies and internships abroad in the previous academic year. All VSE students had a chance to vote for the best photo of the exhibition. They decided that the photo „Seoul at Night“ by Richard Bernát was the best. Congratulation! SUM […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Registration for Buddy Program in Spring 2022

Do you like meeting new people from all over the world and getting to know new cultures? Would you like to help new exchange students? The purpose of the Buddy Program is to give local students contact with exchange students and make exchange students feel better while they are studying here in Prague at VŠE. […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Additional Financial Support for Students with Fewer Opportunities – Spring 2021/22

Additional Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background Relevant for outgoing exchange students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background who provide a document confirming that they are entitled to a child benefit and that the income of the family in the previous year (decisive for the benefit) did not exceed the minimum family subsistence level […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/

Updated Application Criteria and Schedule for Exchange Programme in AY 2022/2023

On the VSE International Office’s website, the application criteria and schedule for Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2022/2023 were updated. The applications for exchanges during Master and 3rd or higher year of Bachelor studies will open in February 2022, the applications for exchanges during 2nd year of Bachelor study (in SS 2023) will open […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-23.2.2022/