Teaching mobility outside Erasmus+
At the beginning of 2024, VSE launched a new programme to support teaching activities to non-European countries. The aim of the programme is to enable teachers to obtain funding for mobilities to countries not supported by the Erasmus+ programme, thus supporting internationalisation through teaching, participation in research projects or establishing cooperation with a new institution.
What are the conditions?
Teaching mobilities outside the Erasmus+ programme are currently not conditional on participation in the selection procedure. However, the planned teaching programme must be agreed in advance by the Head of Department and the Vice Dean for International Relations. During the calendar year 2024, a total of 30 mobilities will be funded, with a maximum lump sum of CZK 50,000* per mobility. This amount is intended to cover travel and accommodation costs. A minimum of 8 hours of teaching per mobility is required during the mobility, or 4 hours in the case of other professional activities at the host institution.
NEW! From 29.04.2024 the lump sum for individual mobility is increased to 50.000 CZK.
Experiences of programme participants
One of the first academics to use the programme was Ing. Mgr. Tomáš Sadílek, Ph.D from the Faculty of International Relations, who realized his mobility in the USA:

“In January/February 2024 I taught at the University of South Florida, Muma School of Business as part of the Teaching mobility outside Erasmus+ programme. By arrangement with the introducing professor, I taught lectures and practicals as part of ongoing courses focused on global operations and supply chain management. In addition to teaching, I also visited other staff at the university to discuss opportunities for further research collaboration and joint publications. A concrete outcome of the meeting is, among other things, the planned arrival of several visiting professors from USF in the winter semester 2024 at VSE. I hope that as many academics as possible will take advantage of this exceptional opportunity.”
More information on the terms and conditions of the programme can be found on the website here. The contact person at the OZS VŠE for teaching mobility outside Erasmus+ is Ing. Jana Snížková, jana.snizkova [at] vse.cz.