Romania: 9th Edition of the IW at UBB, Cluj-Napoca
Babes-Bolyai University has annouced the organization of the 9th edition of the International Week. Please, contact the host institution directly if you are interested in this offer. In case of acceptance, please contact the International Office (radka.vavakova [at] Only physical mobilities may be funded from the Erasmus+ programme.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca is pleased to announce its 9th edition of the International Week. The event will take place during 22nd – 26th of April 2024 in the campus of the UBB-FSEGA; however, we welcome proposals of online courses as well.
The theme of the event is Business Education without Borders. International lecturers are invited to deliver a course for a minimum of eight hours (1 contact hour = 45 minutes) in one of the following areas:
- Accounting
- Management
- Marketing
- Finance
- Computer Science
- Tourism
The language of instruction is English. Lecturers who want to attend the International Week are kindly asked to fill in the Registration form available here before 5th of February, 2024.
Various social activities will be offered free of charge to international lecturers (i.e., welcome and farewell dinner, company visit, a night at the Opera, lunch during lecture days). However, please note that every lecturer will have to cover the accommodation and transportation costs. Where applicable, the funding might be available from the Erasmus+ grant distributed by the home university.