News for Students

Online Information Meeting for Students Interested in Exchange Programme Abroad

Would you like to spend a semester abroad during your study at VSE? We would like to invite you to our Online Information Meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, 30 November 2022. You will find out when and how to apply and which destinations and partner universities to choose from. The meeting will be held in English […]

Online Information Meeting for Students Interested in Exchange Programme Abroad

Additional Financial Support for Students with Fewer Opportunities – Spring 2023

Additional Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background  Relevant for outgoing exchange students from a disadvantaged socio-economic background who provide a document confirming that they are entitled to a child benefit and that the income of the family in the previous year (decisive for the benefit) did not exceed the minimum family subsistence level […]

Additional Financial Support for Students with Fewer Opportunities – Spring 2023

Photo Contest 2022: Photography exhibition & student voting

The VSE International Office invites you to the exhibition of the student photographs from the Photo Contest 2022. The exhibition is taking place in Atrium of the Rajská Building from 31 October until 20 November 2022. The expert jury with doc. Ing. Stanislav Horný, CSc. as the head has chosen the following photographs:  1st place: Gabriela Hampelová […]

Photo Contest 2022: Photography exhibition & student voting

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building 8.-15.11.2022

Do you have any questions about studying abroad or the applications to the exchange programme? Do you want to study at one of more than 250 VSE’s partner universities abroad? Come to the atrium of the Rajská building and ask the VSE International Office at its stand between 8th-15th November 2022. We will be there […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building 8.-15.11.2022

VSE International Office at Job Fair ŠANCE in Atrium of Rajská Building 18.10.

Do you have any questions about studying abroad or the applications to the exchange programme? Come to the second floor of atrium of the Rajská building and ask the VSE International Office at its stand on Tuesday 18th October 2022 between 10:00 and 16:30. We look forward to meeting you there!

VSE International Office at Job Fair ŠANCE in Atrium of Rajská Building 18.10.

Results Announcement of Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in Spring Semester 2023

Today, 29. 9. 2022, the results of the additional applications for the Bachelor and Master Exchange Programme Abroad in the Spring semester 2023 were announced. The results are published in InSIS (Student’s portal -> My studies -> My study abroad -> Selection procedure results). Congratulations to all successful applicants! You can find all the important information about the next steps on […]

Results Announcement of Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in Spring Semester 2023

Photo Contest 2022

VSE International Office invites all current VŠE students, who spent exchange study period or internship abroad in the AY 2021/22, to participate in the Photo Contest 2022. Apply and upload the photos via this FORM. (The contest rules can be downloaded below.) The minimum photo resolution is 1789 x 2684 pixels. (For panoramatic photo 1789 x 3579 pixels.) Deadline […]

Photo Contest 2022

Additional Application Period for Exchange Programme Abroad in Spring Semester 2023

The VSE International Office announces an additional application period for the Exchange Programme Abroad in the Spring semester 2023 for Bachelor as well as Master students. Students can choose from 90 spots at 53 partner universities in Europe as well as overseas, and can apply to study not only in English, but also in German […]

Additional Application Period for Exchange Programme Abroad in Spring Semester 2023

Help Wanted for Orientation Week

Would you like to gain experience at event organizing? Then we are looking for you! From September 12th to 16th, VŠE is organizing Orientation week for incoming international students. During the event students will learn about VŠE, the Czech Republic and the Czech language. The welcome ceremony together with different lectures are part of the programme. […]

Help Wanted for Orientation Week

Fall semester 2022: Almost 480 VSE students are going abroad

Nearly 480 VSE students will not come to the auditoriums in Žižkov or Jižní Město this September, as they have decided to spend the upcoming fall semester either as an intern abroad or as an exchange student at one of our 250 partner universities. First students have already set off on the journey to their host […]

Fall semester 2022: Almost 480 VSE students are going abroad

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