News for Students

Additional Financial Support for Students with Fewer Opportunities – Erasmus+ programme in Fall 2023

Additional Financial Support for Students from Disadvantaged Socio-Economic Background Relevant for exchange students going abroad within the Erasmus+ programme, who are from a disadvantaged socio-economic background, and who provide a document confirming that they are entitled to a child benefit and that the income of the family in the previous year (decisive for the benefit) […]

Additional Financial Support for Students with Fewer Opportunities – Erasmus+ programme in Fall 2023

Brand New App for University Selection Is Released!

Studying abroad is a huge opportunity for students in terms of broadening knowledge and acquiring plenty of new experiences, friends and contacts from all over the world. Firstly, you have to choose a destination, which is not easy at all given the wide offer. Therefore, we are launching a new way how to choose your […]

Brand New App for University Selection Is Released!

Exchange Programme Applications for current 1st year Bachelor Students – Spring 2024

Are you currently finishing your first year of bachelor studies at VSE? Would you like to spend the next Spring semester abroad? The VSE International Office is now finalizing the offer of spots at more than 70 partner universities in 25 countries worldwide for the upcoming applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad in the Spring semester 2024, for […]

Exchange Programme Applications for current 1st year Bachelor Students – Spring 2024

VSE International Office at Job Fair ŠANCE in Atrium of Rajská Building 19.4.

Do you have any questions about studying abroad or the applications to the exchange programme? Come to the second floor of atrium of the Rajská building and ask the VSE International Office at its stand on Wednesday 19th April 2023 between 10:00 and 16:00. We look forward to meeting you there!

VSE International Office at Job Fair ŠANCE in Atrium of Rajská Building 19.4.

Results Announcement of Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in AY 2023/2024

Today, 8. 3. 2023, the results of the applications for the Bachelor and Master Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2023/2024 were announced. The results are published in InSIS (Student’s portal -> My College -> My College abroad -> Results of selection procedures). 1059 students submitted the application in this application round. 303 bachelor and 459 master students were selected. Congratulations […]

Results Announcement of Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in AY 2023/2024

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-22.2.2023/

Do you have any questions regarding the applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad? Ask the VSE International Office! During the application period for the exchange programme abroad (13. 2.–22. 2. 2023 (3pm)) – we will come to the atrium of the Rajská building, so come and ask us directly at our stand! We will be there in the following time […]

VSE International Office in Atrium of Rajská Building /14.2.-22.2.2023/

Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in AY 2023/2024

The exchange offer of more than 800 spots at its partner universities is close to be finalized for the upcoming applications for the Exchange Programme Abroad in the AY 2023/2024 for 3rd year Bachelor and Master students. Students can choose among VSE partner schools in Europe and overseas. The offer might be updated until the […]

Applications for Exchange Programme Abroad in AY 2023/2024

Exploring the world with VŠE: a throwback to 2022

Internationalization counts as one of VŠE’s long-standing strengths and belongs to our major priorities. The year 2022 is considered to be very successful in this respect – the number of outgoing and incoming students has increased to its pre-pandemic values, VSE sent abroad even more students last year than during the years 2018 and 2019. […]

Exploring the world with VŠE: a throwback to 2022

Winning photo of the Photo Contest 2022 Exhibition according to the student voting

At the Photo Contest 2022 Exhibition, organized by the International Office on 31. 10. – 20. 11. 2022, VSE students’ photos from their studies and internships abroad in the previous academic year were shown. All VSE students had a chance to vote for the best photo of the exhibition. They decided that the photo „Reflection“ by Michaela Hartwich was […]

Winning photo of the Photo Contest 2022 Exhibition according to the student voting

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