Rakousko: International Teaching Days & Conference FH Upper Austria, Steyr

FH Upper Austria School of Business and Management oznámila termín konání „International Teaching Days“, v rámci kterého se bude konat také „Cross-Cultural Business Conference. Zájemci o výukovou mobilitu (a konferenci), ať se obrací přímo na školu v zahraničí. V případě přijetí je potřeba si ověřit možnost financování z programu Erasmus+ na OZS (radka.vavakova [at] vse.cz).
Požadavek na E+ výukovou mobilitu je odučit 8 hodin. Náklady spojené s účastí na konferenci není možné hradit ze zdrojů Erasmus+.


We are pleased to announce that FH Upper Austria will again host International Teaching Days at our School of Management, Steyr Campus, from May 8-10, 2023.

The first two days of the International Teaching Days offer local and international professors, researchers, and students the opportunity to exchange ideas on common academic topics. To increase the international atmosphere, each guest lecturer or researcher is invited to bring along a group of students, who will participate in the lectures during the International Teaching Days. On Wednesday, May 10, our international students will present their countries, customs, traditions, and culinary delights at the International Fair.

Besides the International Teaching Days, we also offer our guest lecturers the possibility to hand in papers for publication and to engage in scientific discussions during the Cross-Cultural Business Conference, from May 11-12.

The whole week is rounded off by various social activities such as an excursion in our beautiful region, a company tour, a guided tour through the historic city of Steyr and an International Teaching Days Dinner.

For the detailed program and more information about the International Teaching Days, please see the invitation. The registration deadline for the International Teaching Days is April 5, 2023.